Treatment For Excessive Dry Flaky Skin

 Best Treatment for Excessive Dry Flaky Skin 

So guys let me start by saying that this is not a routine you want to do every single day just whenever your skin is feeling extra dry extra dehydrated extra blah if you just feel that your skin is lacking and glow and really badly just for those days I'm sorry I'm repeating myself guys but I really have to say this before I start with the topic it's a very important disclaimer the deal with this routine is that it's extremely hydrating and moisturizing and you will see a very instant impact.

But if you do it too much if you do it too often it can also lead to breakouts so you need to be careful just don't do it too much that's all okay so starting with this routine guys.

It's a very very simple routine so the first thing obviously you need to make sure your skin is completely squeaky clean if you want to like after the face wash if you want you can also use a little face mask just use a little scrub or whatever you want to use just something to clean your face really well.

After you have cleaned your face really well we're going to use a face mist now face mists are absolutely amazing for adding a little extra moisture hydration for your skin without loading up too much okay so earlier I'm using the cast moisturizing face mist which I have talked about before for so many times on my channel I'm not going to the details and after applying your face mist just massage it into the skin.

Now after about two minutes of applying the face mist, you'll see that your skin has absorbed a lot of it already and a little bit of a little bit would obviously evaporate as well the next step is using a gel so you can use aloe vera gel if it suits you what I have noticed is that aloe vera gel, actually does not suit a lot of people so I used to talk a lot about aloe vera gel before but then I realized that you know you have alternatives so here.

I'm using the pomegranate gel this one's from good vibes and pomegranate jelly is actually really really good and extremely interesting for your skin because it adds again a boost of hydration a little bit of moisturization and it's just really good to massage your skin with this gel.

So I'm just gonna take a little bit like I've just taken already and massaged my skin with this now after massaging your skin for about 45 seconds to one minute just take a damp pad okay cotton pad and wipe off the excess this is very important girls whenever you apply gel there will be a little bit remaining.

so you want to wipe it off even if you're not doing the shooting if you're just you know using chair otherwise always wipe off the excess after wiping off the gel moving to step three we're gonna take a lot of serum okay a lot of serum so you can use whatever serum you like here I'm using the saffron skin glow serum saffron or something which is really good for your skin guys.

Okay so if you tell me not to use it directly so I'm just gonna take a little bit on my hands like this and then apply it so guys we are going to really load up on the serum here okay we're going to take a lot of serum a lot more than we usually do now of course you know I mean how much you really need really in the industry just depends on what you need but I just prefer using a little extra serum on these days when I'm doing this routine, and then just massage massage massage everything in really well.

Next, we're going to use a little bit of glycerin just a little bit and here's a deal with glycerin guys if you don't want to use a glue string you can also use a hyaluronic acid serum even that works really well because these ingredients are just absolutely amazing for hydrating your skin and just you know for adding that extra plump and glue so here I'm using the wish care glycerin which I absolutely love and I'm just gonna massage this very gently on my skin

Now I know a lot of you thinking that oh my god the skin is looking too much it's looking too oily too greasy yes at this point this is how the skin is looking but we will work it out eventually okay right now the idea is to push a lot of hydration into the skin which still isn't enough so for the next step we are going to use, a hydrating sheet mask so once again you can use whatever you want to see what's happening here you can use whatever you want so here I'm using the purple time to hydrate snow sheet mask and here's how it is looking so as you can tell guys.

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