Which Vitamin Causes Hair Loss?

What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss?

Main Reason for Hair Loss

Do you suffer from hair loss? Do you want to know Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Hair Loss? we will give a brief idea about which nutrient deficiency causes hair loss, does lack of protein cause hair loss, what deficiency causes hair fall, etc.

Which Vitamin Causes Hair Loss?

So let’s check the details about which minerals & vitamins deficiencies reason for hair loss.

Reason For Hair Loss 

1) the Vitamin B family. There are many vitamins that come under the vitamin B family. The important role in hair loss is vitamin B-5 or pantothenic acid, vitamin B- 6 or pyridoxine, vitamin B-7 or biotin, vitamin B9 or folate & vitamin B12. 

These vitamins play an important role in hair growth. A lack of such vitamins can cause hair loss. Vegetarian foods like milk, curd, paneer, cheese, dairy products, whole grains, cereals, especially wheat, jawar, bajra, maize, soybean, green vegetables, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, fruits, dry fruits, are great sources of vitamin B. Non-veg foods like such as seafood and the chicken and mutton also considered as sources of Vit B.

2) Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that prevents free radical damage. It also improves blood circulation. This type of lack of vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss.  Vit E mainly comes from vegetable oils like sunflower oil, soybean oil & corn oil. All types of nuts, mainly peanuts & all green vegetables including broccoli, spinach & avocados. 

3) Vitamin A: This is important for the development & maintenance of skin, teeth, bones & hair. Vitamin A deficiency can make your hair dull & dry. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant. And also if you are Consuming full vitamin it can also cause hair loss. Vegetables, orange, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, have a good concentration of vitamin A. Cod liver oil & beef liver is also the main sources of vitamin A.

4) Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps to maintain the calcium & phosphorus levels in the body & strengthens hair follicles. Research studies explained  that vitamin D plays an important role in the growth of hair. Dairy products & eggs are good sources of vitamin D. Cow milk, mushroom, cereals, also have vitamin D. Vitamin D2 is found in vegetables & vitamin D3 is synthesized by the sun.

5) Iron: Iron deficiency is a very common nutritional deficiency, which limits the oxygen supply & causes reduced blood circulation to the scalp as well. This causes hair loss. This promotes hair growth. In non-veg food, red meat, liver, kidney, shellfish, eggs, chicken, are the main sources of iron. In the vegetarian food, green leafy vegetables, peas, peanuts, broccoli, jaggery, spinach & dry fruits & iron-fortified cereals have a high concentration of iron. 

6) Magnesium: They play an important role in metabolic reactions & support hair growth. A magnesium deficiency may cause weakness & hair loss.

7) Omega-3 Fatty acids: This is one of the essential fatty acids. But this is not synthesized in our body & that is why you should include fish, cod liver oil, oysters & salmon in our diet. Vegetarian sources include flaxseeds, walnuts, kidney beans & soybean oil.

8) Zinc: This is a trace element that aids in cellular replication & protein production. This improves hair growth, especially in certain types of hair loss. The dietary source for zinc is mainly in non-vegetarian food like red meat, shellfish, seafood, & eggs. In veggie-lover nourishments, dals, entire grains, beans, cashew nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and vegetables are significant wellsprings of zinc.

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