Is Hair Transplant Permanent Solution For Baldness?

What is the permanent solution for baldness?

We have so many questions about this like hair transplant cost? and how will be our hair transplant before and after? and what are the side effect of a hair transplant?  is a hair transplant painful? does hair transplants hurt? we have such common questions more, so we will discuss all this in our website after this published.

Are you suffering from androgenetic alopecia? Are you thinking of transplanting hair to treat it?  

What is androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic hair loss is nothing but a type of hair loss. Nowadays it has become very common. Is a hair transplant the right and effective option to treat it? Let us first understand what exactly is androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia is slow and gradual hair loss. It does not happen suddenly in a week or a few days or a month. It grows from year to year and eventually gets into baldness.

It is mainly caused due to androgens that are dihydrotestosterone and genetic tendency. The testosterone gets converted dihydrotestosterone because of the enzyme named 5 alpha-reductase.

The hair follicles start to shrink because they are sensitive to dihydrotestosterone. This process is called follicular miniaturization. This tendency is genetic. This means that if your family, your father, brother, maternal uncle have baldness, then you might get it as well.

We have other videos where we have talked about the hair loss process and DHT and hair loss on our channel. So if you want more information about it, then definitely watch those videos.

This androgenetic alopecia occurs in both women and men. In women, it is called female pattern baldness. In Females, this hair loss occurs on the upper part of the head. In men, hair loss begins in the temple region and crown region, and then gradually progresses into an M-shaped pattern.

Hair transplant is a viable option if hair loss is very severe and the hairs on the sides and back of the head are remaining. It is very important to try different hair loss treatments first before you even consider a hair transplant.

Among them, topical Minoxidil and oral Finasteride which are FDA approved treatments are the most common and effective treatments.

And also PRP Mesotherapy low-level laser therapy and Dermaroller are effective. If these treatments do not work, and your hair loss is increasing, then you can consider a hair transplant.

However, you should be the right candidate for a hair transplant to get a hair transplant done, The right candidate for a hair transplant is the one who is at least twenty five years old. But the most important criterion to be the right candidate for a hair transplant candidate is to have a sufficient donor area for transplant.

What is the donor area?

The donor area is the part of the head that is not sensitized by DHT. Usually, this donor area is the back of the head or beard area. This donor area is a permanent hair zone where hair does not fall due to DHT.

It is very important to have this donor area for hair transplants. If you do not have a sufficient donor area, then you are not the right candidate for a hair transplant, and you cannot do a hair transplant.

In androgenetic alopecia, hair loss occurs in a specific pattern. Therefore, people who suffer from androgenetic alopecia, especially, men who suffer from male pattern baldness are usually the right candidates for hair transplants. In fact, in some cases with surgeon tries to strengthen the existing weak donor area with the help of different hair loss treatments and then recommends a hair transplant. In such a case, hair loss treatments can be done.

However, when hair loss does not occur in any fixed pattern, then hair transplant cannot be done as there is no permanent donor area. So yes, hair transplant is a good option for androgenetic alopecia.

But Androgenetic alopecia is a progressive condition, in which the balding process can progress from grade I to grade VII. Hair loss treatment is very important to it slowdown or postpones this progress.

Therefore, hair transplant can not be the final solution for genetic baldness. A combination of hair transplant and hair loss treatment is very important for long term results. So that your existing hair will remain and bald patches will be filled with a hair transplant.

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